EXTENDED: Try SmartRubric Administrator for free

We've recently added so many exciting features that work best with an administrator account, that we thought it was only right to offer you the opportunity to give them a try for free.

Administrator subscriptions are just like teacher subscriptions except you can:
1. Invite other teachers from your school to SmartRubric, and then collaborate on rubrics and assessments, as well as share classes and student data.

2. Take advantage of higher level reporting so you can manage student progress across departments and even subjects.

3. Use the moderation tool to standardise grades and produce detailed moderation and grade justification reports for coursework.
SO! Until midnight Sunday, 17th of September if you upgrade to an Administrator Subscription using the offer code BACKTOSCHOOL, you get your first two accounts completely free for six months. That means you can share SmartRubric with a colleague at your school and make use of some cool collaboration tools for free. Normally, this would cost you £10 a month.

Even better -- Admin Subscriptions come with a free hour of (remote) consultancy every month for the first three months. You can use that hour for anything - I can import your student data and set up your classes, build you some rubrics or just walk you through setup and help you with anything else you need to get started. I'll be in touch after you upgrade to set this up.

If the administrator subscription doesn't work for you, you can downgrade or cancel anytime and you won't be charged. Additional users on top of the two free ones can be added at any time for an extra £5/user/month.

Here's how you do it:

1. If you haven't already, sign up for a Teacher Account (this is free for the first month, £3.50/month afterwards, no credit card required). You need to do this first.

2. Sign in, and then navigate to your Billing section (under your username in the menu bar).

3. Click 'Administrator Subscription'

4. Enter the code 'BACKTOSCHOOL' and click 'Apply'. You must complete this step before midnight on Sunday the 17th of September to take advantage of this offer.

5. Confirm your subscription. You'll need to enter your payment information, but you will not be billed for six months and you can cancel anytime before then.


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